POSTPONED! Due to the pandemic and recent recommendations by the CDC and the State we have postponed the 10th Annual Ouabache Land Conservancy until later this year.
Please watch for an email or stay tuned to Facebook or this website for information about the rescheduled annual meeting and other future events.
Thanks and Stay Healthy!
This year OLC welcomes Brendan Kearns as the guest speaker for our 10th annual meeting on April 3, 2020. Brendan is an OLC Board Member, Vigo County Commissioner, and Wabash River Enthusiast. The title of Brendan’s presentation is “He Moved the Wabash River’. A story about a man who moved the Wabash at the southern end of Vigo County in the late 1800’s. From wetlands to agriculture to publicly owned conservation land. .
Please join OLC at the Rod & Gun Steakhouse (2525 E Lambert Ave, Rosedale) for food, networking, and Brendan's presentation. Social hour with a silent auction begins at 6:00 pm, with dinner at 7:00. This event is open to the public with minimum paid 2020 OLC membership of $25 or $15 for new members per couple. The meal cost is additional. Seating is limited. Click here to download and then complete a reservation form and email to by March 26.