Storybook Hike at Jackson-Schnyder Nature Preserve
The Ouabache Land Conservancy invites everyone of all ages to a storybook hike at Jackson-Schnyder Nature Preserve on Saturday, March 29th from 10:00 - 11:30 am. The preserve is located at 3635 W. Concannon Ave., West Terre Haute, IN 47885. Luke Gentry (Vigo Co. Public Library West Branch Manager) and Denise Sobieski (OLC Board of Directors) will lead this moderate hike through the prairie and woods to the “Crown Point” lookout where Gentry will read Birdsong (by Julie Flett). This story is about a girl who loves to draw things in nature, going through various seasons and getting to know her elderly neighbor who lives down the hill. When her neighbor becomes ill, the little girl feels bad that the lady can't be outside, so she brings over all her nature drawings and hangs them on the walls, so she can still enjoy nature, even though she's stuck inside. Drawing pads will be available to draw what beautiful sights participants see that morning.
Roadside parking is available on the preserve side of the road, but there are no facilities. No reservations are required and participants are encouraged to wear long pants, hiking boots, or good tennis shoes.